From Exhausted to Empowered: Laughing Your Way Through Burnout

From Exhausted to Empowered: Laughing Your Way Through Burnout

If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you.

Listen up, folks! The tech industry is on 🔥 - and I don't mean it in a good way. It's like we're all running a marathon without any water stations. We're burnt out, crispy, and fried to a crisp. We're mentally checked out and have a "can't do" attitude. But fear not, my techy friends, let's approach this burnout with a sense of humor and a cup of coffee.

When we take on something new, we're all gung-ho about it. We're feeling energized, creative, and like we can conquer the world. Especially when it comes to a new job or technology. It's like we're on a rollercoaster and the stress is the sweet, sweet cherry on top.

Humans are curious. We need a degree of stress to prevent boredom and frustration. After all, who doesn't love the feeling of growth and improvement? However, too much stress can turn us into hot messes! And let's not forget the toll it takes on our mental health. The dreaded burnout is like a monster lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on us when we least expect it. So, let's embrace a little stress, but not too much, or else we'll end up needing a vacation from our vacation!

Burnout, Who?

What exactly is burnout? The medical definition says “burnout is defined as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” It might arrive abruptly but there is a long process behind the scenes that causes it.

The phases of Burnout

Burnout is not sudden, but a series of stages of the mind before it enters the scary state.

  1. High commitment, energy, and creativity

  2. Reduced optimism and onset of stress

  3. Increase in stress levels

  4. Symptoms become critical, and increasingly difficult to cope

  5. Significant mental, physical, or emotional problems

The initial phase is enjoyment and satisfaction with the work where everything is sunshine and rainbows. The next stage is where mild and unnoticeable symptoms occur. Then, things start to get real and you're suddenly feeling like a walking zombie with all the exhaustion and anxiety. The final phase is where it is beyond control to continue as normal as the stress might lead to other deeper issues as well.

The struggle is real...

One of the reasons why burnout is hard to detect early is the resemblance with problems that might arrive in our day-to-day work. If stress is short-lived or else tied to a specific goal, it is most likely not harmful. If the stress feels never-ending and comes with feelings of emptiness, apathy, and hopelessness, it may be indicative of burnout. Here's a list of some symptoms which indicate burnout

  • Sense of failure and self-doubt.

  • Loss of motivation

  • Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

  • Working in a chaotic or high-pressure environment

  • Loss of confidence in academic abilities

  • Poor performance due to lack of concentration

  • Setting too-big goals

Not having clearly defined work-life boundaries is another reason for burnout. This might be one of the downsides of a remote job. The tussle to remain focused on the work and then switch off to spend quality time with the family might often mix up and make us confused and anxious. There is no separation as to when work life ends and personal life begins. Students like myself might struggle with attention and have to work hard just to focus. They may sit with their work for hours and not make much progress with it—and still feel exhausted when they get up.

The silver lining...

Well, well, well, look who's exhausted! Anyone can feel like they've been hit by a truck, but burnout is reserved for the overachievers. You can't "burn out" if you haven't been setting the world on fire in the first place. It's like, come on, give your mind a break already! We're all guilty of taking on more than we can handle, but balance is key, people! You can't keep chomping at the bit without taking a breather. Focus and dedication are important, but so is sanity. If you're feeling the burn, let's cool it down a bit, shall we?

Put out the burnout fire!

There are many ways to get out of the burnout phase quickly and effectively. Being from India, I tend to lean towards Yoga and deep breathing exercises which I think are the one solution that fits all. It takes care of both physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The physical remedies

"A man is what he eats all day!" The fuel for our body has to be healthy and nutritious. The importance of a healthy diet is regarded highly. And don't forget to catch some Z's and take a stroll once in a while. We can't spend all day glued to screens, our bodies need to move!

There is no better way to keep your body healthy and hearty than hitting the gym. Workout is a great way to stay in shape and undo our posture deformations from excessive sitting. We can always choose cardio, weights, or even yoga among all the choices

Put a Band-Aid on Burnout

Feeling like the negative thoughts are taking over? It's time to put on your positive pants and engage in some serious self-talk. Start by reminding yourself of all the amazing things you've accomplished in the past

But don't stop there! Dust off those old hobbies and get ready to unleash your inner Picasso or rockstar. And let's not forget about our support system - aka your ride-or-die squad. Studies show that the effects of burnout can reduce significantly if we look for support from our loved ones.

Prevention... better than cure

The solutions mentioned above will prove useful and relieve the pressure of burnout and other mental exhaustion. But why not nip such problems in the bud?

If we make some alterations in our day-to-day life, we would never face any such problems. With minimal effort, we can ward off such mental issues and always be in a fresh and exciting mood. This would improve concentration as well as productivity. Also, this would help in the physical health aspects of life as well.

The Pomodoro Technique

Taking frequent breaks throughout the day is an excellent way to manage stress and remain focused for long amounts of time. I personally use the well-known Pomodoro method to help me manage my time effectively. The plan is to do serious work for about 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. According to research, the human mind focuses on cycles that appear at the beginning and conclusion of each session. The Pomodoro technique aims to finish many such peaks by taking short breaks and then returning to focus. If 25 minutes is too short for you, tune in to your comfort level and appreciate long hours of deep work.


This constant urge to achieve more has made us successful as humans. But it is tiring to keep working towards the next goal without being satisfied with attaining the last one. Having a sense of achievement in life is really important. It helps give a purpose in life. Thankfulness for the facilities we have, the habits we have built, and the general quality of life make us value what have already achieved. It is a good idea to start the day with a sense of gratitude for the things that we already have.


Hey there techies! You know what they say, "We are in this together!" Being part of a community not only helps us feel less alone but also makes us stronger. Personally, I'm part of a bunch of tech communities, and let me tell you, chatting with those folks keeps me on track and feeling good. So, let's stick together and keep each other strong, people!

The Bonus!

Burnout is a result of prolonged stress. Stress then accumulates from small events that may feel insignificant at those moments. It is best to keep tabs on such emotions. One such is letting go of perfectionism. Remember, sometimes "good enough" is all that is needed. Trying too hard to achieve perfection might discourage us from trying new things. It also creates unnecessary pressure to perform well even when venturing out on anything for the first time.

You're already ahead of the curve!

Just by admitting your feelings of stress and taking the time to read this post, you’ve already taken the most important step to prevent or address burnout: acknowledging the problem.

Don't wait until you're completely fried to make a change. Trust me, it's easier to put out a candle than a forest fire. So, start small.

These little changes can not only prevent burnout but also lead to a happier, healthier you. And who doesn't want that? So, take a deep breath, relax those shoulders, and let's kick burnout's butt together.

End of the burnout road!

If you want to dive deeper into this topic I'm attaching a super-duper article by Healthline that covers everything from A to Z. This problem is spreading like wildfire, but don't you worry - the internet is crawling with resources on this issue. But hold up! Before you start Googling like a maniac, remember that nothing beats getting some professional help. So, don't be shy - seek that expert attention you deserve!

It's time to call it a blog. Well, I guess I was hitting the keyboard a bit too hard. This blog seems to go on and on. But every bit of the information is crucial. So, grab a cup of coffee, put on your reading glasses, and get ready to dive into the abyss of information. Are you ready? Let's do this!